Friday 8 July 2011

Dali’s Anamorphic Artworks

I’m a big fan of Dali, but not because of his classic artworks that can be seen on dorm room posters in college campuses across America. No, what I admire about Salvador Dali was his ability to see things in an entirely different manner from those around him. All of his paintings reflect this brilliance, but none show just how fantastic his mind worked better than those that incorporate anamorphism.
Anamorphic art requires the viewer look at the piece from a specific viewpoint or using a special tool in order to actually see the artwork in its proper display form. By the end of his career, Dali was a master of this skill, creating paintings like the one above that required cylindrical mirrors to see the work in its true form, and by painting spectroscopic images that required 3D glasses to take in the full effect.