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Friday, 9 September 2011

Creative Digital Paintings of Cute and Cuddly Creatures

In this post we gathered some of the most adorable digital paintings of animals (and other cute creatures: real, living, or otherwise) that we were able to find.  It is remarkable to see how well cuteness can be rendered through digital paintings and it made it difficult, on our end, not to share. For today, at least, we’ve decided to slim it down to cute and cuddly animals. Digital paintings can have varying levels of detail, ranging from quick sketches and concept art to highly polished, lifelike digital paintings.Cuteness is usually characterized by some combination of infant-like physical traits, especially small body size...

Honda – Use Only Original


Beautiful Examples of Black & White Photography

Sometimes a picture can look way better without its vivid colors. Black and White photography brings out a different kind of vibe and mood in a picture. This concept is hard to explain but very easy to see. If you were to compare the original picture to a black & white version, the results would be stunning. Now of course some pictures are better kept in color, for examples a field of colorful flowers...

Thursday, 8 September 2011

The giant cows of Miina Äkkijyrkkä

Taking cows as models, Miina Äkkijyrkkä creates giants sculptures with recycled parts of cars, truly impressive. V...

Monday, 5 September 2011

Beautiful sunsets

Brazilian photographer Isac Goulart specializes in photographing stunning silhouettes of people on the beach. However, the photographer focuses the lens does not object to his chamber, and the bright colors, flooding the screens of our monitors. ...

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